Programming isn't about what you know; it's about what you can figure out.
- Chris Pine

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Annica Alienus


Hi there!
I am a curious and driven junior developer, looking for my new dream job.
My curiosity, together with my commitment, is something that permeates my whole life and drives me to continue learning, big as small things. I am as a person communicative, solution-focused and non-judgmental with a tad of tenacity, giving me the energy to persistently work to achieve my goals, despite adversity and difficulties.

I am a sincere team player that participates actively in discussions and enjoys contributing to the big picture.
For me, system development is a teamwork where the resources in the team members are used to deliver a good product. In situations as studies, work, and family life, I have a structured and planned approach, but every now and then I can enjoy my spontaneous side and test alternative solutions. To my next colleagues, I can offer knowledge in i.e. , .NET, web, JavaScript, and databases. Additionally I have some basic knowledge in Java, c++, Node.js, Internet of Things and game development. In addition to anchoring my current knowledge, I would like to learn new languages, tools, and approaches. I have a dream of making life more fun, easier and better with the help of digital products that are both efficient and user-friendly.


IT consultant

Schenker Dedicated Services

Monitors and supports TMS (traffic management system), Navision (financial system) and Biztalk. Handles cases via Jira where I help users with simpler problems and investigate and collect information about reported errors and bugs for 2nd line.

Sigma Technology

March 2023 - ongoing

IT Consultant

Sigma Technology

Sub-consultant for Sigma technology with assignment as system support at Schenker Dedicated Services

Framtiden AB

Aug 2022 - Feb 2023



Plans, designs and builds relational database to track documents in the sale and acquisition of pharmaceuticals. Managed larger amounts of data that were processed and imported with SQL*Loader. In addition to the above project, I was also part of a project of migration of a cms system and analyzed, cleaned and mapped data.


June 2019- Dec 2019


Handles bookkeeping, uncomplicated tax deductions and VAT issues, and other administrative tasks.

Alienus Visuals


Associate nurse

Itinerant hourly vicarage in health and social care and habilitation/LSS. The work involved caring for caretakers who lived in special accommodation as needed, which could involve personal hygiene, food support, transfer and medication after prescription. The work placed high demands on flexibility and an educational, methodical and low-impact approach.

Mölndal Municipality


Personal Assistant/Coordinator

In addition to customary tasks to support the user in everyday life, planning of doctor's appointments and other important meetings, follow-up of work routines and planning shifts is also included.

Aleris Group AB


Associate nurse

Gerås hus

Supports care recipients with general daily lifestyles such as personal hygiene, eating and communicating. Other common tasks were the transfer of patients, the distribution of medicine and documentation and deviation reports.

Gothenburg Municipality


Associate nurse


Works with patients with different types of dementia with support in general daily lifestyle such as personal hygiene, food, physical activation and communication. In addition to the usual tasks in elderly care, conflict management and low-impact treatment were also included.

Lovisa gården vård AB


Associate nurse

Care and care of the elderly with different types of problems and needs. Customary tasks such as personal hygiene, eating and communicating as well as transfers, wound diversions, medication distribution and end-of-life care. The work also includes documentation such as deviation and case reports and follow-up of plans.

Gothenburg Municipality




With focus system development

During the study period, IT solutions were designed and developed from a user-centric perspective, often together with other students, where skills in communication and collaboration together with developers, users and clients are developed. In addition, all projects were carried out distributed and provided good experience of system development in distributed teams and many of the tools used in distributed projects. The technical expertise includes web, databases and development environments such as Visual Studio and VS Code, together with techniques such as agile methods, SQL, ASP.NET and C#. The setup provided knowledge and experience of the entire stack and a broad competence a number of tools and methods.

Mid Sweden University

2017 - 2021


focus financial assistant

Upper secondary core subjects including business administration, accounting and taxation, and legal knowledge. The training provided good theoretical knowledge in corporate accounting, accounting, taxes and regulatory rules.


aug 2008 - june 2010

Health and social care

focus geriatrics

Included topics such as supervision, ethics, human social and cultural, social care, nursing psychology, work environment and safety, etc. The studies also included LIA, which was conducted at Sekelbo nursing home in Gothenburg at the end of the education.


June 2002 - Nov 2003

Applied IoT

Computer Science

The course provides knowledge and experience of using microcontrollers to handle different types of sensors. The language was micropython and the hardware was Pycom LoPy4. Also included knowledge and experience of 3D design for printing and how these work.


june - aug 2020

Introduction to Game Development

Computer Science

The education involved planning, design and program a 3D game with C# and Unity game engine, where two of the characters are a very simple AI.


june - aug 2020

Project Management

Mechanical Engineering

Provided basic knowledge in project work, project organization, project management, project management and project economics. The course also provided an understanding of the formation of projects, the choice of the appropriate project model, the project's goal formulation, planning, follow-up and evaluation. Included understanding of both traditional and agile project work.

Mid Sweden University

june - aug 2018

Corporate Ethics

Business Administration

The course provided theoretical knowledge of ethics and entrepreneurship using different ethical models and different ways of writing normative corporate ethics. The course provided a basic skill to reflect on ethical issues both in entrepreneurship and in general.

Mid Sweden University

june - aug 2010



  • C#
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • SQL
  • Micropython
  • PL/SQL
  • c++
  • JSON
  • XAML


  • SCRUM / Agile
  • Project planning
  • Requirements
  • pre-study
  • User stories
  • Backlog
  • usability test


  • Unit test
  • Unity game engine
  • MVC
  • ASP.Net
  • Entity framework
  • SQL*Loader
  • Git


  • PostgreSQL
  • Oracle
  • MySQL